"The Nightingale" by Kristin Hannah is a heartbreaking novel. No matter how many times and war stories are written, they always remind us of the ugly reality of destruction and suffering. So is "The Nightingale". This story takes us to German-occupied France during World War II. With traumatized youth, and struggling to survive themselves, two sisters Vianne and Isabelle rise above the situation and norm, and risk their lives to help their country freedom, and save the lives of those most vulnerable. For them, all the pain, abuse, and suffering were worth every child they saved, every friend or human being they helped. The suffering that Jewish families had to go through is just unimaginable. I could not stop my tears, especially when reading the last chapters.
It is difficult to comprehend what people can do to each other. Different ideologies can take people in any direction. Still, it is comforting to know there are always wonderful and selfless humans on any side, willing and courageous to the right thing.
"The Nightingale" highlights that human connections can be so deep, and love is the most beautiful feeling.
I definitely recommend reading this book, if you haven't already.